Bio-designed anti-odor technology also resolving skin condition.


Today a lot of the sports brand offer products with “anti-odor technology”. The benefits of not building up a sweat smell (caused by bacteria) during your sport activities is obviously a great unique selling point, but currently this comes at an environmental cost. These garments are prepared using silver in the manufacturing process and at the right humidity conditions this silver will release particles or silver ions which are very effective in disrupting and killing bacteria. Silver is an effective and widely used solution, however by disregarding the toxicity of silver and silver ions. This is a large problem as the silver leaches out during the use, but foremost while washing the clothing. That is to say, the silver “breaks free”, meaning that it ends up in wastewater and finally in the water cycle.

The Swedish Water & Wastewater Association published a report with the name “Silver Leaching - A Report on Silver in Sportswear” ¹ in November 2018 stating:

“Silver is used in items such as sportswear because of its antibacterial properties. What many of us do not know is that silver is classified as a biocide; that is to say, a toxin. In the long run the silver found in the water cycle can pose a significant threat to the wealth of life in the sediments of our lakes and seas. Sediment-dwelling creatures and organisms play a crucial role in the biological networks created by nature.”

Furthermore the reports highlight:

“Another effect of the use of silver in society is the rise in antimicrobial resistance (AMR). A study by Susanne Sütterlin, a researcher and specialist doctor in clinical microbiology at Uppsala University, showed that silver seemed able to reduce the level of sensitivity/resistance to antibiotics.”



The socks produced using Saniconcentrate™ in the manufacturing process contain a technology with a significantly different approach. An approach derived from the human immune system in which the trace element of Zinc plays a crucial role. Zinc is identified as an element with the utmost biological importance as it is a vital element in the human immune system and in the skin, fighting off bacteria and viruses. But it is also the element that is a vital nutrient for plants to grow and develop. Parx Materials developed and patented a unique approach of integrating this element in ionic form and not in metallic form or nanoparticle form. The integration makes the trace element an intrinsic part of the polymer, fixed inside the material with no releasing mechanism or migration.

The idea of creating an inert bacteria resistance in materials by making use of this biocompatible and body’s own element was inspired by the human skin. “Zinc plays a vital role in the skins immune function for example, and a zinc deficit in the skin can lead to conditions like acute acne. The lack of Zinc in the skin can cause clogged pore to become infected with bacteria and form a pimple.” explains Michael van der Jagt, CEO of Parx Materials NV. “Zinc is naturally present in the skin and also does not migrate from the skin, just the presence of it in the skin is a valuable function of the immune system.”

Creating a presence of the trace element in plastic as inspired by the skin, can give the material the same kind of natural immune function. Preventing bacteria colony forming on the surface and keeping the material free from proliferating odor causing bacteria.



The world's leading inspection, verification, testing and certification company SGS had been assigned for the verification of the knitwear in compliance FZ/T73023-2006 ². Compliancy to this norm is required for merchandise sold in China claiming to be antibacterial. This standard references the US and Japanese standards on the basis of relevant criteria. The 4 main criteria stated in FZ/T73023-2006 for anti-bacterial knitwear are: intrinsic quality, appearance quality, antibacterial efficacy, product safety.


SGS performed migration tests with three different organisms and at specific incubation times, being: E.coli for 18 hours, Staphylococcus aureus for 18 hours and Candida albicans for 48 hours. The test is done by measurement of the ‘halo’ width, also referred to as the ‘zone of inhibition’. All three organisms show no ‘halo’; no area around the product without bacteria growth. This means that there is no leaching of any antimicrobial substance and the antimicrobial characteristics are only present on the surface of the material. The technology does not come out or leaches away.


After as many as 50 washing cycles of the product all three the organisms (E.coli, Staphylococcus aureus and Candida albicans) were also used to identify the efficacy of the technology against these germs. The 18-hour incubation time shows antimicrobial performances far above the set minimums and this performance granted the product a class “AAA” status and allows the labeling of the product in China as a certified “AAA class Antimicrobial Knitwear”.



To gather some user-experience 500 pairs of socks with the Parx Materials technology were made and handed out to people that were interested to see the effect of the socks on their feet. The feedback has been overwhelming; some people have been using the socks for this test for 20-30 days in a row without washing them and they reported back that the stocks are still not stinking.

People that suffer from Beriberi condition on their feet commonly face sweaty and malodorous feet and socks. For the test 86 people were found with Beriberi to gather their experience with the use of these socks. What was not expected from these trials was that the people with Beriberi were reporting not only the lack of malodor but also a significant improvement of their Beriberi condition. Of the 86 Beriberi patient 80 people provided feedback and reported an improvement. (The remaining 6 people did not respond.) All patients reported seeing an improved condition of the Beriberi after wearing the socks for 15-20 days. Some reports mention an improvement of 50-80%. Also some report a 90% improvement with noticeable smoother and softer skin


Beriberi is a disease caused by a vitamin B-1 deficiency, also known as thiamine deficiency. Risk factors include a diet of mostly white rice, as well as alcoholism, dialysis and chronic diarrhea. A study published back in 1938 already indicated that with Beriberi the Zinc contents of the toe nails, finger nails and skin are reduced to half their normal value. ³ Furthermore a thesis from 1969 discusses a research that mentions that in a hot climate where sweating can be excessive, one may lose up to 2 to 3 mg of zinc per day. This is thought to be one of the mechanisms causing zinc deficiency in humans. ⁴

With lesser Zinc present in the skin there is a decreased defense mechanism in the skin. The findings so far indicate that putting the skin in contact with materials made with the Parx Materials technology inside have beneficial effects. To be noted is the fact that there is no migration of Zinc coming from the material, but yet putting it in contact with the skin clinically delivers beneficial effects.



The socks have been fabricated with a mix of PP and PET yarns. The PP yarns are fabricated with 3% of PEU-PP0016 Saniconcentrate™ in the material blend are made with the specification: 55D/48F. The PET yarns are fabricated with 3% of PEU-PE0018 Saniconcentrate™ in the material blend and made with specification: 1.65D,38mm.


Parx Materials N.V. (Euronext: MLPRX and NL0012650535) specializes in the development and manufacturing of materials with sustainable intrinsic defense mechanism against bacteria, viruses, molds and biofilm. The company's patented technology does not use harmful or toxic chemicals, biocides, heavy metals or nanoparticles. It can be used with any type of plastic and for any type of application. It is fully biocompatible and it does not diffuse out of the material. Parx Materials NV is listed on Euronext Access in Paris with ticker MLPRX and ISIN NL0012650535.


Permanent medical implant safety compliance confirmed.


EU certification for Parx Covid-19 filtering half mask.